Last updated on March 9, 2019
By Yvonne Nachtigal
A sneak peek of the progress on the Warf Building renovation was held from 11am to 1pm last Friday. It was led by Manager of Construction and Facilities Glenda Godwin. People were able to sign up for a guided tour. Each tour was limited to 10 people and lasted about 15 minutes. Southland construction provided hard hats which were worn in construction areas.
The J. Howard Warf Math and Science Building was constructed in the 1970s and the science labs had become worn and outdated. The project is to upgrade classroom facilities for students and improve the technology necessary for teachers to provide instruction.
According to Godwin, the project involves the renovation of 23,000 square feet of space and 8,000 square feet of new construction. Part of the 8,000 square feet of new space will be the new Mechatronics lab.
The Vol State Mechatronics lab is currently housed in a much smaller, older, building. The new lab, which includes a large roll-up door to move equipment in and out, features a large classroom and open area for simulators and equipment.
“We have a Mechatronics lab now but it’s just in a tiny space. They’ll have more space so I’m assuming they’ll be able to extend the program. Right now they’re capped. They can’t take in all the students that they’d like to,” said Mathematics Faculty member Peter Melvin.
When completed, the $6.2 million renovation is upgrade existing science labs and adding two additional labs. “We’ll have more office space, and the labs are being upgraded,” said Melvin.
The newly renovated building will contain six classrooms, one computer lab, eight science labs with prep rooms and 31 offices with six adjacent work stations.
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