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Advising and Academic Success

Last updated on January 28, 2018

By Sara Keen// Editor-in-Chief


Volunteer State Community College students are assigned to a personal advisor as well as receive access to the Advising Center in the Ramer Building. These are put in place to help students receive counseling, advice and ensure that they can graduate on time.

First and foremost, advisors are able to help students decide what they want to major in through tests, such as the Myers Briggs test.  They can also help students in signing up for classes, as well as help them with time management during the school year.

Along with academic needs, advisors are able to help students who are facing personal crisis or whose academic ability is being affected by an outside event.  They can give immediate help and refer students to receive more help if necessary, as well as help them get back on track if they can.  

Terry Bubb, Director of Advising and Testing, said it is urged that students see their advisors at least once a semester and students who do not see their advisors tend to take unnecessary classes and spend more time getting their degrees.  They are also more likely to drop out if they do not seek the help they need.  

“We really want everyone to be successful; we want students to be successful and achieve their dreams, and reach their degree program,” said Bubb.

In a poll conducted by “The Settler” staff, many Vol States students who go to the advising center or make an appointment with their advisors are satisfied with the outcomes.

Courtney Southern, a Vol State student, said she felt that her advisors were extremely beneficial to her success at Vol State.  

“It is a huge benefit for people, and especially if you aren’t sure of what you want to do or where you want to go after this, the people in the Advising Center can help you figure that out,” said Southern.

Bubb said he urges all students to seek help from their advisors and they are here specifically to aid students’ academics in any way they can.  Whether a student needs help signing up for classes, or wants a little advice, it can be found in the Advising Center or through their personal advisor.

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