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Cafeteria Project

By: Nick Kieser

Renovations are being made at the Volunteer State Community College. One of the prominent changes is starting to take place in the cafeteria. The booths that were previously attached the wall in the cafeteria have been removed and scraped.

“The booths tend to fall apart and we did not want to try and put something up to only come back and have the same issue taking them out,” said Senior Director of Plant Operations, Will Newman.

The removal of the booths will be part of a constant updating process that Newman will be responsible for and plans to do one project at a time.

“We just gotta maintain cleanliness and let us just say folks were not as clean as they should be. We can only clean so much and so we decided to pull those away from the wall and do wall repairs as well. They fell apart as we pulled them away,” said Newman.

Part of what Newman said was a 30-year-year-old building all you can do is paint it, but along with other projects that is not the plan.

“Right now it looks like a middle school or high school cafeteria. We need to get away from that. This is the entry part of the project to get that project moving it is almost a million dollars.

Along with what is taking place outside of The Feed there are other projects going on simultaneously. The Warf building is under renovation and the building is expected to have an added part to it facing Nashville Pike when it is complete. Crosswalks are also in the works as well to cross main street.

“We have to think how the rest of campus will be impacted. Not too many projects going on at the same time,” said Newman.

Students have also been impacted by the removal of the booths as well. In previous years the booths have been a congregation ground for the Vol-State students.

“I think that the renovation of the cafeteria has potential to make the space better, but I know that many people who regularly used them are probably missing them,” said Student, Ryan Beals.

“They were very spacious and it was a space to nap and get things done. I do not think they only rely on the booths,” said student, Avery Etherington.

Aside from just the activity Etherington did using the booths herself she did have a request to have one new thing in the cafeteria as part of the project.

“I do wish there was better lighting. That room seems very dim to me and I wish it was brighter.”

“We will need a designer to come aboard. We want to utilize every part of that space and update it,” said Newman.

With this help of a designer Newmans plans of having a nearly million-dollar cafeteria can come full circle to make it what students will come to love and congregate in again. There is currently no timetable for when the cafeteria project will be completely finished.


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