Last updated on February 1, 2016
Sara Keen//Editor-in-Chief
We live in a time where it is easy to forget about the luxuries we live with. We often take for granted our homes, clothes, electricity, and everything that we’ve received as a result of technology.
We forget that we live in a country where most can afford what other countries dream. There are places where people cannot easily receive clothes, housing, food, or medical treatments.
In our society, we have gotten to a point where people fear the wrong things, such as vaccinations, because we have forgotten how bad the world was before. There are children who are angry when they do not get a certain color of iPhone or iPad when kids in other places are overjoyed to receive a pair of socks.
Even worse, there are fits thrown to parents because they look out for their children. Parents have a reason for everything they do, even if you do not quite understand it at the time. They are your guardians until they are gone.
We never know how long we have left with someone. It is vital that we enjoy every second that we are able to with them. It could be as simple a task as getting ice cream with a grandparent, or going shopping with your mother.
Be thankful when someone is sick that they have the medicine to treat him or her. If they cannot be cured, be thankful that there is medicine to lessen the pain.
We no longer suffer from a variety of diseases thanks to vaccines. The number one fear for pregnancy is no longer death. We live in a time where we can be comfortable in raising our families.
We have a day to give thanks for everything we have each year, but with so much to be thankful for, it is not the only day that we can say thank you for what we have.
Any time you feel down, think about how great things are now in comparison to what they would be 100 years ago. We have so much that we can say thank you for.
We have full families, a chance for education, a place for food and sleep. We are able to come home in the winter without fearing the flu.
When you sit around the table on Nov. 26, remember how lucky you are to live in a time with so many advancements. Enjoy your time with your family.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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