Last updated on March 9, 2019
By Abbigail Phelps
On Valentine’s Day, the Love One Feed One event was held in the Mary Cole Nichols Dining Room B.
CAB and SGA hosted the Avenge the Feed event together with Spectrum, RSO, and Civitan.
Love One Feed One was as a fun way to bring attention to the Avenge the Feed event.
Students were encouraged to donate water bottles.
T-shirts and tickets were given to students who donated water. One bottle was equal to one ticket. The tickets were used for a Valentine’s Day raffle. Every five minutes, a student would win a prize if their ticket number was called.
Spectrum, RSO, and Civitan funded the prizes for the event, which included an Ipad. The winner of the Ipad was announced at the basketball game during half time.
“It’s a fun, social event for the students while creating a sense of awareness about the feed,” said event coordinator Tabitha Sherrell.
There was food and activities such as speed dating, music. A table that was set up for students to make Valentine’s Day cards for a partner or friend.
“We wanted to do something fun that gave to students. It’s something fun for everyone to enjoy,” said Campus activity board chair leader Emily Evetts.
The room was decorated with heart streamers, balloons and other Valentine’s Day decorations.
“I think it’s cool to take care of people. What they are doing with the prizes and activities helps motivate people to give back,” said Volunteer State Community College student Ciona Killian.
Pioneer Prevention attended the event with their own table to speak about healthy relationships and awareness.
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