Last updated on February 1, 2016
by Adam Parks// Online Editor
On Monday, March 23, the Student Government Association (SGA) sponsored the annual SGA Forum in the Mary Cole Nichols Tiled Dining Room at Volunteer State Community College.
The event involved two parts. The first of which was to introduce the candidates for next year’s Student Government Cabinet.
The candidates introduced at the event were Jessie Versage, the current SGA attorney general who is currently running for the position of Student Government President, and Sam Hunt, current secretary of state and who is running for secretary of state.
Each of the said candidates were asked a series of questions about what direction they see the college going in and their plans for what they want to accomplish for their run as part of the SGA.
The next part of the event was the Presidential Forum in which Dr. Jerry Faulkner, president of Vol State, and his vice presidents joined a panel to answer questions submitted by each of the clubs on campus.
“The setup for the forum was different this year. In the past we had the two cabinets facing each other, but this time we wanted the Presidential Cabinet up front and the SGA cabinet creating sort of an audience. After the forum I got a few complaints that it created a disconnect, so we more than likely will go back to the old way next time,” said Tabitha Sherrell, coordinator for Student Life and Diversity Initiatives (SLDI).
The questions involved changes that the students would like to see around campus, involving things such as changes to the food in the cafeteria and changes to the smoking area’s outside. The questions, much like for the first event, were asked by the current and new SGA cabinet members.
After the core questions were asked by the cabinet, the floor was open for any student to ask any question to the Presidents cabinet.
“From what I heard, the last forum was a lot more involved. I wish there was more student involvement with the questions instead of just the cabinet. Overall, though, I thought it was successful,” said Versage.
“I wish there would have been more of a debate. I wish the students were more involved. This affects them and I wish they were more involved,” said Hunt.
She also spoke about the new cabinet that will begin next year.
“The SGA cabinet will be one cabinet. Our vision is strong as we are starting this next year. Dr. Yarbrough has been very involved and is constantly encouraging us.”
“Years ago the campus was alive with students. The quad outside used to be so lively with people, and that would be something I would love to see happen again,” said Hunt.
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