Last updated on March 9, 2019
By Katelyn Marshall
Spring break at Volunteer State Community College March 4-8, and there are no classes, according to Vol State’s website.
Vol State student Bailey Morgan Evans said her purpose of spring break is to enjoy time with family, friends, and reset for the other half of school. She also said that her best destination is her house.
Evans also said that most people go to the beach during spring break and that she did not know of any events that were going on during spring break.
Evans said that her spring break ideas are hanging with friends and family.
The way she will spend her spring break also include being with friends and family as well.
According to Evans, the way to keep your mind occupied during spring break is to surround yourself with good people.
When it comes to spring break safety tips, “notice your surroundings,” Evans said.
Vol State mass communication major Elizabeth Rhea said that the purpose of spring break is, “In my opinion, it’s a good halfway point for students to just have a good breather and hit the refresh button for themselves before heading back into school and getting ready for the end of the semester.”
Rhea said, “I think everyone’s [favorite spring break destination] is going to be different. Some people enjoy, you know, heading to some place with a beach because there’s something relaxing about being able to sit and look at the ocean,” Rhea explained. “Some people will choose somewhere like a theme park because doing something, keeping their mind off school, is best for them. So, for me, I’m going to pick the theme park.”
Rhea said during spring break, most people go to something family-friendly- like a theme park.
As for any events that will occur during spring break, Rhea stated, “I personally don’t know of any that are happening in this area.”
Rhea added some spring break budget tips, “I would say partnering with friends for spring break is not always a bad idea because you can split a lot of different costs like places to stay or your transportation. I would also say sometimes people feel like they have to fly because it’s a little faster, but obviously, flying is more expensive, so do not be afraid to drive because road trips are fun.”
“I think that if you are going somewhere, then there’s plenty of places within a five-hour drive, like St. Louis or some places in east Tennessee- things like that. If you want to stay here, I think just getting your friends and family together and digging into new things like trivia nights somewhere or going to see a show at TPAC or a museum, just something different than you would normally do so that you actually feel like you’ve experienced a break from your routine day-to-day life,” Rhea explained for some spring break ideas.
“I definitely would rest as much as you can, if you are able, because I feel like that’s part of the point: just to be able to rest. Unfortunately, you’ll probably have to spend part of your spring break maybe catching up on schoolwork. I know I will. Then just getting out and doing something, go to your park, walk a trail, go see a Preds game,” Rhea said to explain some ways to spend spring break.
“I definitely surround myself with my friends. I’m excited. My best friend is about to have a baby, so I’ll probably spend some time with her. But maybe even binge-watching Netflix, just something different,” Rhea said in describing how she keeps her mind occupied during spring break.
For spring break safety tips, Rhea said, “Don’t go alone, and if you go with friends and decide to go somewhere, just make sure that you have a buddy system. Unfortunately things happen, and if you decide to drink, just make sure you got someone looking out for you. Don’t drive if you shouldn’t. These kind of things are common sense, but in the moment you think that you can handle it, but you probably shouldn’t.”
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