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Vol State teams up with Merit system

Last updated on March 16, 2016

By: Barbara Harmon, Assistant Editor


(Pictured: Merit Pages home page.  Photo by: Barbara Harmon.)

Volunteer State Community College has partnered with Merit, so its students can be recognized for their accomplishments.

“Your institution’s efforts to create a distinctive, comprehensive student experience are made more meaningful when Merit connects the unique story of every student with the people who care about their success,” according to the Merit website.

It is beneficial in connecting the students’ stories in different areas.

One of those areas is the students’ communities:

“By automatically sending personalized notifications to legislators about the achievements of students from their districts attending your college.

“[And] by turning student accomplishments into press releases that are sent to hometown media,” according to

It also connects to the students’ high schools:

“By sending high school principals and guidance counselors stories of the success of their alumni at your institution,” according to the Merit website.

Family and friends can be connected, as well:

“By keeping family engaged with personalized success stories about their students that are easily sharable on social media,” according to

Future employers can also be kept in the loop:

“By showcasing every student’s experience in a positive online presence that can be discovered in online search.

“We’re proud to partner with hundreds of colleges and universities that use Merit’s platform to make their efforts more meaningful,” according to the Merit website.

Lehigh University is one of the many universities that is partnered with Merit.

“Lehigh University partnered with Merit to engage and educate external stakeholders about what it means to have an integrated learning experience,” according to Amy Mengel, Vice President, Marketing at Merit.

“In addition, any time Lehigh uses Merit to promote student accomplishments to Merit’s network of stakeholders, each student’s personalized Merit page—a positive, public online presence discoverable by future employers—is automatically updated with branded, institutionally-verified stories of their involvement and success,” according to a case study by Merit.

Vol State’s partnering with Merit gives its students the same benefits.

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