By Bailey Guy
Applications for Volunteer State Community College’s Christmas for the Kids are due Monday, November 1.
“This event benefits children, ages 17 and under, of currently enrolled and attending VSCC students only, whose families are experiencing significant financial hardship going into the holiday season,” said Tabitha Sherrell, coordinator of student activities.
“Christmas for the Kids is such a vital core of what SGA and Volunteer State Community College stands for, bridging the gap between students of all income levels, allowing for students who are struggling financially to provide a special moment for their children during the holiday season. Part of the name “Community” in Community College is about coming together, so we have to make sure everyone in the community is taken care of and to have their voice heard, so this initiative is an integral part of that,” said Hevgir Tayip, Student Government Association president.
To apply for Christmas gifts for their kids this year, students can fill out the application that was sent to all students’ emails, print it out, and turn it in at the Office of Student Engagement and Support in the Wood Campus Center, Room 215, of the Gallatin campus.
For students attending the Cookeville, Livingston, or Springfield campuses, send a message to the emails listed below:
Cookeville Campus Students- Contact
Livingston Campus Students- Contact
Springfield Campus Students- Contact or
“This year SGA will host a Drive-Thru party for the applicants to bring their children through a drive-thru event and pick up their gifts. The Vol State community will be asked to sponsor a child for Christmas for the Kids this year. The idea will be to visit the Wood, Mary Cole Nichols Dining Room A and pick an ornament from the tree (Nov. 16-24). Then purchase a gift spending at minimum $50.00. All gifts will be due to the Office of Student Engagement & Support by Wednesday, December 1, 2021, by 4:00 pm,” said Sherrell.
“Christmas for the Kids is a great opportunity for children in need up to 17 to receive gifts during the holidays. The student government wants to give every child the experience and joy of Christmas morning,” said Skylar Latham, the Campus Activities Board chairperson for the Student Government Association.
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