by Hope McKinney
The Fall semester is coming to a close and finals are quickly approaching. For many this means sleepless nights, and a lot of studying.
There are a multitude of ways to study that ensure good grades but I will just provide you with a few that work for me. Keeping your phone away or on the ‘do not disturb’ setting ensures no distractions with electronics. In this day in age that is the main source of distraction, especially with Millennials.
Our phones, laptops and IPads are always attached to us in some way, shape or form and it is just so hard to leave the virtual world alone in fear we may miss out on something. Putting your electronics away, unless of course you need them for research, is always going to help you earn a good grade on your final.
Your friends may not be much help texting you about hanging out during a long study session, but they may be of assistance to you in a study group.
I find it very helpful to study in a group, especially if someone in your group has previously taken a class in which you are currently enrolled.
Friends like the ones I mentioned may be able to give you a good deal of information that can help you during the studying process. Sharing your own study tips is always a good idea.
In study groups it is also easy to take stress free breaks from the books. Almost always friends can help you through your stressful, and most difficult times by just taking a step back with you and laughing. I can not think of a time that students need laughter more than during finals week. It is always important to let your brain rest from extensive studying. This can give your brain the same feeling as if you are cramming at the last minute, which you never want to do. When you do not take a step back and breathe you get very overwhelmed and so does your brain, it is flooded with information as such an alarming rate that it has to push things out.
This will only make you forget vital information. Forgetting is possibly the worst thing that can happen during finals week besides coming down with the flu that is making its way through the schools during Fall finals week.
A trick that I have found helps a lot of people remember what they have been studying come test day is to chew gum. Many people have told me to chew my favorite gum during studying and chew the same flavor while taking the final and it will help correlate the information you studied with the flavor of the gum.
I have not tried that trick out yet but I plan to during finals next week. Every student knows the severity of missing a final exam.
It is very important to attend class always, but during finals week and the week before it is absolutely vital to attend classes. I have said it a million times, but I will say it again, if you do not understand something this week is your last chance to get clarification on things.
There is no reason to it down for your final exam and wonder why the questions do not make sense. Our professors, especially the ones here on the Volunteer State Community College Gallatin campus, only want to see us succeed.
Their whole job revolves around our success and they love helping us reach our ultimate triumphs. I encourage every student to relax and get some major studying done before next week.
It has been my absolute pleasure to serve the student body and and faculty as the Editor-in-Chief of this newspaper and I look forward to seeing all of you next semester.
Congratulations to all of the wonderfully bright students graduating this semester.
My writing staff and I wish you nothing but success in your future endeavors. If any of your find yourself looking for credit hours to fill, or a fun way to relieve stress and make friends please consider joining us on The Settler’s staff.
We are always looking for talented individuals that love expressing themselves through journalism.
Have a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I hope to see everyone next year.
Finals are Finally upon VSCC Students
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