by Lillian Lynch
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Sept. 15 – Oct. 15, Volunteer State Community College has put together a few activities.
One of them is the Hispanic Heritage Quiz Bowl, which will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 12:45 p.m. in the Mary Cole Nichols Dining Room A.
Anyone can compete in the Bowl for the chance to win prizes and everyone is encouraged to try.
“We have Vol State t-shirts and a hoodie to give away as prizes,” said Tabitha Sherrell, Coordinator of Student Activities.
The questions themselves are designed to help one learn more about Hispanic culture.
“All questions in some way tie back to Spanish language, Hispanic culture, pop culture, geography, famous Latinos, world events, etc.,” said Michelle Vandiver-Lawrence, the host of the event.
“That sounds fun. I actually really like learning about other cultures, especially Hispanic culture,” said student Alexis Long.
“At the very least it is an entertaining and informative event.
This year many Spanish students will attend and participate. I’m excited to see how much they know about Hispanic topics,” said Vandiver- Lawrence.
Anyone and everyone is invited to learn and participate in this event in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month.
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