Last updated on September 2, 2020
Dr. George Pimentel
. George Pimentel, Vice President of Academic Affairs at Volunteer State Community College, has been selected as the president of Jackson State Community College.
The Tennessee Board of Regents named Pimentel president of Jackson State Community College June 2, at a special called meeting.
The college, located in Jackson, Tennessee, began its search for a new permanent president in November 2019 after its fifth president, Allana Hamilton, was appointed Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the College System of Tennessee.
Pimentel’s campus visit was March 16. During his visit he met with staff, faculty, students and the public in public forums. After the campus visits, feedback from the forums and meetings were gathered by Tennessee Board of Regents Chancellor Flora W. Tydings. Then, Pimentel was selected by the Board of Regents, at a special called meeting June 2.
According to a schedule on the Jackson State CC website, Pimentel will begin as president of JSCC on beginning July 1.
JSCC is a two-year public postsecondary institution with four locations in West Tennessee, with its main campus in Jackson, Tennessee. Over 4,900 credit students and over 500 non-credit students are enrolled in the school, and it employs 250 full-time employees including 98 full-time faculty members.
Pimentel was promoted to Vice President of Academic Affairs at Vol State back in 2014. According to his CV, before being promoted to his current position, at Vol State he was a Professor of History, interim Dean of the Social Sciences Division and Director of the Honors Program. Before coming to Vol State Pimentel worked at Middle Tennessee State University, from which he is an alumnus, as Assistant to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Coordinator of Continuing Education. As Vice President of Academic Affairs, Pimentel coordinated accreditation efforts for the school, supervises curriculum development, and provides leadership for all academic programs.
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