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Pioneer Pride Week a success

Last updated on January 28, 2018

By: Jessica Peña, Staff Writer

Volunteer State Community College celebrated Pioneer Pride Week April 18 – 23, with on-campus activities and events.

Jewelry is Fun had a representative set up from April 18 – 19, in the Wood Hallway. The company sold accessories, books, school supplies and jewelries.

According to Diana Pemelton, Jewelry is Fun representative, all proceeds from the sale will go toward fundraising for children’s gifts on Christmas.

“Pioneer Pride Week has been successful so far. We had Jewelry Is Fun on Monday and Tuesday, and had good traffic throughout both days,” said Tabitha Sherrell, Coordinator of Student Activities.

According to the Jewelry is Fun website, the sale works with schools and corporations to help them raise money for a cause of their choice.

Coffee with the Prez was on April 20, in the Mary Nichols Dining Hall from 9 – 10 a.m., and a total of 20 people signed in for biscuits and coffee while Dr. Jerry Faulkner, President of Vol State, spoke with students at their tables.

“The cafeteria didn’t seem to be as busy at the 9 a.m. time slot. In the past, we have had it at 10 a.m. and it seems to do better,” said Sherrell.

Campus Spa was on April 19, in the Mary Cole Nichols Dining Hall, and approximately 80 people attended for massages.

“As far as how significant the week is on campus I would say it’s significant, but I think we have some work to do to make it important across campus,” said Sherrell.

Sherrell said Vol State has a lot more work to do in the future to make Pioneer Pride Week more prominent to the student population.

“We are working hard to instill some school spirit and promote our athletics.

We have flyers at all of the tables in the cafeteria and emails have went out to all students throughout the week regarding the events,” said Sherrell.

“The goal is that this week known as Pioneer Pride Week will catch on and become a tradition each spring semester to celebrate our baseball and softball teams,” Sherrell added.


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