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Plan for Fall opening unveiled

Last updated on May 8, 2020

Volunteer State Community College President Dr. Jerry Faulkner emailed faculty and staff Tuesday with a tentative plan for the reopening of Vol State this Fall. The plan, already approved by the Tennessee Board of Regents’ Chancellor, is dependent on government and CDC guidance and requirements.

In the email, Faulkner wrote, “The plan is very general in detail. There are numerous questions to be answered and details to be worked out.” “[The Vol State Crisis Management Team and the President’s Cabinet] believe our approach will maximize the protection of the members of our college community.”

“This plans assumes a full return to campus in the Fall semester. [The Crisis Management Team and the President’s Cabinet] are also constructing contingencies should we not be able to fully return because of the pandemic. We will be exploring a hybrid model where we might have a campus presence but still under stringent social distancing requirements. We are also preparing for the possibility that we might have to return to fully online in the Fall,” Faulkner wrote.

May 4
– Application, advising and registration via phone and email.
– Campus Connect begins all online.
– Workforce and Center of Emphasis on-ground classes resume with social distancing and masks.
May 18
– Summer classes begin.
– All classes online.
– Campuses still closed to students.
June 27
– Middle College graduation in Wemyss Auditorium.
June 29
– Second six weeks classes begin.
– Students allowed into computer labs, Learning Commons and library with regulated admission and appropriate social distancing and masks.
August 3
– Ramer and Wood buildings, Student Services offices open to students with regulated admission, social distancing and masks.
– Students will have access to Student Services on campus.
– Campus reopens to full staff and faculty.
August 14
– Campus reopens to students with social distancing and masks.
– Opening Convocation for faculty and staff.
August 24
– Fall semester classes begin.
– On-ground classes resume.

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