By Velma Crochet
Volunteer Community College Law Enforcement Agency in Gallatin, Tennessee is the first and only community college to have a prescription medication take-back kiosk on campus according to Chief Angela Lawson.
“A team effort helped VSCC to get a take-back kiosk on campus. Sumner County Anti-drug Coalition, Sumner County Sheriff’s Department, Vol State Campus Police Chief Angela Lawson and I worked together to make this happen,” said Tiffany Zwart, Coordinator of Student Support.
Tennessee Department of Health delivered the take-back kiosk, Jan. 28 to the VSCC Police Department. This offers another 24-hour a day location to help our community elevate expired prescriptions drugs explained Lawson.
“Proud to partner with Sumner County Anti-drug Coalition and the Tennessee Dangerous Drugs Task Force in providing opportunities for the community to safely dispose of prescription drugs and preventing individuals from potentially, misusing medications,” said Lawson.
The take-back kiosk is also a safe place to discard prescription patches, prescription ointments, over-the-counter medications, vitamins and medications for pets. Items that cannot be accepted are hydrogen peroxide, inhalers, ointment/lotion/liquids, sharp needles and thermometers according to the sheriff’s department website.
The procedure to place prescription drugs in the kiosk is simple just by opening the kiosk and dropping them in. The container is designed with a locking back closure, thus only allowing the drugs to be placed in it. Items cannot be retrieved from the same location. Instructions are located on the kiosk to answer any further questions the person drooping off may have explained Lawson.
There are seven other locations in Sumner County including the Sumner County Sheriff’s Department, where it was placed in the administrative hallway of the sheriff’s office in 2012, according to the sheriff’s department website.
“Our hope is that it will help make it easier for students, faculty and staff discarding old medications,” said Zwart.

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