Last updated on February 17, 2015
Slam poet, Odd Rod visited the Vol State Gallatin campus Wednesday, Feb. 4 in the Mary Cole Nichols Tiled Dining Room.
He presented his life story through poems entitled; ìSeen Me Then,î ìPlus Size,î ìPumpkin Pie,î ìVillage Helper,î ìTranscripts,î ìUse Me,î ìPretend,î ìI Donít Need No Mic,î and ìThe Listener.î
Odd Rod interacted with students and opened the floor to questions between poems.
The students even participated in the poem, ìI Donít Need No Mic.î
He wrote the poem ìPlus Sizeî for his mother to encourage her to have a positive self-image regardless of her size.
ìYou ainít got to cut and paste; no need to suck in your gut. You were gorgeous as you came and thereís no need to discuss, making changes. You are stainless and your size… is a plus.
Odd Rod, Roderick Borisade, found his inspiration early in life when he was 13 years old.
His brother died of brain cancer, his mother was on drugs and his father was not around.
He credits Tupac, an American rapper, for inspiring him to get out of the hood and to be a spoken word artist.
He got his self-proclaimed nickname at an early age when he realized he was different from his peers and he would be going up against the odds.
ìSomeone told me that my education would get me anywhere I wanted to go and I put that to the
test,î said Odd Rod.
Odd Rodís hard work and studies paid off when he received a full scholarship to the University of Northern Florida.
He learned graphic design and eventually designed his own cds.
The ìHeroís Sermonî was a poem written to honor his grandfather.
ìI treat my grandpa like my father cause he raised me like his son.
ìHad a dad who wouldnít bother seeing who I would become. Watched my mama fight with drugs.
“They say you cannot choose your folks. Wouldnít change them if I could, because they forced me to hope,î said Odd Rod.
Odd Rod said his most memorable show was at a rehabilitation center where his mother was being treated.
He also said he really enjoys performing at correctional institutions, giving them hope and providing inspiration.
Vol State freshman Terra Cliburn said the performance ìwas heart-touching and relatable.î
ìI really liked it! Hopefully yíall can get him to come again,îsaid Jazmine Reed, a student.
ìIt was very inspirational,î said Dee Durnley, a student.
Odd Rod has created a nonprofit organization in honor of his brother and said that ìgiving is the gift.î He continues to tour the country spreading his message.
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