By: Miguel Detillier
Spoken-word poet Navpreet Sachdev, better known as NAV, spoke at Volunteer State Community College on Nov. 16.
This event took place at the Mary Cole Nichols Dining Room B in the Randy and Lois Wood Campus Center and lasted from 12:45-1:45 p.m. as part of International Education Week.
Before NAV read his poems to start this event, he suggested everybody in the audience to ask questions in between or after his spoken-word pieces.
NAV started this event by reading a poem called “Defined” that talks about him dealing with racial discrimination in his life.
Next, NAV read “The Apology” after he told a story about being rejected by a girl when he tried to ask for her number. This poem is about him struggling to date a girl and him being a terrible flirter toward women.
NAV then talks about negativity as one of his biggest life struggles, and that he tends to struggles to live to the fullest when he has negative thoughts in his mind. NAS also talked about dealing with his negative thoughts by doing the Think Positive Campaign on social media, especially when he shares positive messages on Snapchat and Instagram with #pathtopositivity, which lead to him reading a poem called “Scars” that talks about the agony that has affected him in his life.
Next, NAV read “What I’m About,” and encouraged the students to help him bring rhythm to his poem by clapping their hands and stomping their feet.
NAV also talked about him becoming a poet by explaining that his breakup with his girlfriend put him in a lot of emotional stress which eventually lead to him starting to write his own poems suicidal. NAV also explained that once he started to write poetry, it compelled him to write and perform his own poems in college and to learn more about the techniques of poetry from watching and studying videos of poets on YouTube.
Next, NAV read “The Politics of Facebook” that talked about the problems of being on Facebook. Afterwards NAV read “I am Singh” and “Full-Time” which both talked about his personal faith.
Finally, NAV read “Thank You Come Again” about his father who grew up in India to close this event.
“This has been a wonderful way for students to participate in an international activity right on campus,” said Anne-Marie Ruttenbur, Coordinator of International Education. “Not only did they get to hear great poetry but they also got to learn about someone from a different culture.”
“I think the event did really well,” said Tabitha Sherrell, Coordinator of Student Activities. “NAV did a fantastic job, and I wish I would’ve love to see more people to come see him perform, but it was still a really good event.”
NAV said that Vol State had great energy and was a lot of fun. NAV also said that the students seemed to be engaged in this event and appeared to enjoy the show.
Spoken word artist NAV comes to Vol State
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