Last updated on September 4, 2020
By Kayla Osborne

During the pandemic, the Student Support Office at Volunteer State Community College has taken the initiative to help those in need of assistance during this time of uncertainty with a weekly drive-through food pickup.
Tiffany Zwart, Coordinator of Student Support, has organized the food giveaway for this Friday, Sept. 4, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and the event will take place just outside of the Wood Campus Center Building near the entrance of campus police. Students will pull up in their cars and open their trunk. A volunteer or staff member will place the food in the student’s trunk.
This week’s drive-through food give away will be celebrating Labor Day with hot dogs, buns, chips and baked beans.
The food giveaway has already proven to be a successful hit. According to Zwart, last Friday all of the prepared food was cleared in just 35 minutes.
All students are welcome and encouraged to participate and join the fun. Information regarding events such as the food giveaway will be sent via email by Zwart as she will keep students frequently updated.
For students seeking ways to get involved, the website has a resource page that lists items in the Gallatin area that are in high demand. Students are urged, if able, to take part in extending a generous hand to help make a positive impact in our community.
As students are returning for the Fall semester, the heavyweight of this pandemic is not lost on their minds. Many students are finding it hard to balance the new changes, but with a positive mindset and a willingness to help, the students at Vol State are learning to navigate them together. Do not miss out on this opportunity to make a difference.
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