“The Rainbow Fish” is a one-act stage adaptation (45 minutes) of the beloved children’s book written by Marcus Pfister. The story will immerse audiences into the underwater world of The Coral Kingdom where the Rainbow Fish is the most popular fish on the reef! With the help of a new reef friend, Little Fish, the Rainbow Fish learns that sharing, kindness, and selflessness are what is important and not just being adored. So come ready to swim in this audience interactive show!
The play features a cast of eight Vol-State students, Emma Daniels (Starfish), Shannon Hayes (Little Fish), Elizabeth Hinson (Hermit Crab), Savannah Ivey (Sardine), Brianna Sabin (Mrs. Minnow), Gianna Sasmore (Rainbow Fish), Melanie Thurman (Pufferfish/Octopus) and Amani Johnson (Clownfish). Performances are Oct. 7 at 7pm and Oct. 8 at 2pm and 7pm with a special 10am performance on Oct. 6 for school groups and homeschooled groups in Caudill Hall’s Wemyss Auditorium.
Admission is free. All ages are welcome! Please email brendan.tramel@volstate.edu for more information.
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