Last updated on October 27, 2020

By Madison West
Every month, the Office of Student Engagement and Support at Volunteer State Community College sponsors a Well Drive-Thru event to hand out free food and information pertaining to support resources.
Each month the information changes. October is Violence Awareness Month so we will be giving out information related to Domestic Violence, said Tabitha Sherrell, the Coordinator.
“Before the Pandemic hit, The Well would set out tables in several different buildings on campus and give out free food, no catch. We just wanted the students to know that we were there, and we cared,” said Tiffany Zwart, Coordinator of Student Support.
Zwart and Sherrell shared that pre-pandemic they were able to reach 80 to 100 students multiple times a day. Though this is a big change, The Well is high lighting specific areas in which they offer support and being more intentional about how they disseminate information, said Zwart.
During the month of September, The Well Drive-Thru was able to help provide food to 23 students for free.
The office of Student Engagement and Support is staffed with four full-time employees and two part-time employees to ensure that students are provided with the help they need.
Sherrell continued to share that The Office of Student Engagement offers a wide range of support programs that fall under The Well, including The Vol State Food Pantry, The Feed, counseling referrals, domestic violence information, unplanned pregnancy and more.
Usually, student leaders who are apart of the Student Government Association, or SGA, will help when needed. However, due to the pandemic, there are not a lot of student volunteers to help maintain social distancing said Sherrell.
To keep students involved, the Office of Student Engagement sent an email with a Kahoots trivia game link for all currently enrolled students to be able to play. The top three winners will receive a prize.
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