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Vol State Logo Change

By Emmanuel Ayele

Volunteer State Community College has changed its logo, to not include “community college” in the logo. 

Because of the logo change, the campus would have to face moving forward. 

The logo change for the campus was decided by the Vol State staff and market research. 

“Well, now that is a big change that we have chosen to embrace mainly because it’s where many colleges are heading,” said Tami Wallace Vol States Director of Marketing, Communications, and Media Services. 

“Our students just say Vol State, so when we chose to clean up or refresh our logo and make it super open, we went with that market research, and we chose to move forward in a way. Now everyone calls it Vol State,” said Wallace.  

Wallace shared that even with the new logo, it will always be called the Vol State Community College. 

Vol State will always be a community college and will always be here for students and for the staff. 

“For us, we will always be a college for the community. That is an essence, that’s our mission, and because it sounds so peaceful for the change for what we are and how we serve our 11-county service area basically. […] We will always be here for the community because that’s what we’re charged to do and we will continue to do that in an even better way moving forward,” said Wallace. 

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