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Vol State to host Story Slam

Last updated on April 2, 2018


By Story slam poster 2018Katie Doll

Volunteer State Community College will be hosting its first Story Slam March 20, from 11:10 a.m. – 12:10 p.m., in the Nichols Dining Room in the Wood Campus Center.

The event will be hosted by Jon Goode, according to the Vol State website.

Story Slam is a competition in which performers can tell two to four minute stories about topics that can range from hilarious to heartbreaking. There will be scheduled performers and an opportunity to perform at an open mic. First and second prize winners will win cash prizes, and snacks will be served.

All students, faculty and staff are invited to participate.

Sheri Waltz and Shellie Michael, professors in the communication department, worked together to make the Story Slam project a reality. They wrote a proposal for a Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) grant, and the project was selected for funding. Michael stated the project gave students an opportunity in two speech classes to learn storytelling and increase student engagement.

“In addition to developing a storytelling curriculum in SPCH 1010 and SPCH 103, the project aims to build a culture of storytelling through the Story Slam event,” said Michael.

After this event, the next Story Slams are planned to be held annually every fall semester, as the Hal Ramer Oratorical Contest for public speakers is held each spring.

The event will be recorded and posted on eLearn for students who could not make the event. Online students can also participate, as videotaped stories will be shown.

Michael hopes for students to be entertained and connect over universal experiences.

“Through stories, students can share similarities while celebrating diversity,” said Michael.

Students participating should focus on one specific event with a lesson that was learned from their experience.

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