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Vol State Baseball alumni weekend April 8-9

Last updated on March 29, 2022

Volunteer State Community College’s men’s baseball team is hosting an Alumni Weekend April 8-9. Hospitality tents will be set up on the first base sight of the Garrett Baseball Field.

Head coach Jim McGuire has helped orchestrate the event, meeting with Vol State baseball alumni over the fall and off-seasons.

“Since the fall we’ve been doing, it started out once a month we would do a zoom call with any of the alumni that wanted to be involved and be on it, so we started that process in the fall, leading up to this weekend and now it’s become every other week we’ll do a call, so I’ve gotten to know them through that,” said McGuire.

After the team’s game on April 8, the alumni will be invited into the gymnasium for dinner and to socialize with the current players and coaches. Then the alumni will be honored in between Vol State’s doubleheader against Southwest Tennessee Community College.

“I don’t know, I expect 60 or 70,” said Bobby Hudson, the Athletic Director at Vol State. “We’re gonna see what we can get and keep moving from there, but it’s been pretty good catching up with some of the old ones because we’ve been doing zoom calls and kind of getting ideas about what they want to do and I know they’re interested in doing some fundraising for the program so it’s been great so far.”

Bringing back some of the older alumni as well as some recent graduates and transfers is more for the current players’ benefit than anything else.

“I think that there are a lot of life lessons taken from baseball and I don’t think we realize that until we’ve been through it and I think if those guys do come for the weekend the biggest thing they might tell us is take every moment in and take nothing for granted,” said pitcher Will Trapp.

The event has been so popular, in fact, that softball players have gotten one as well. “Matter of fact it’s been so great I’ve got softball players now so I’m probably going to have a softball one in May, May 23rd we’re going to have a one-day one for the softball team,” said Hudson.

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