Last updated on September 29, 2020

By Kayla Osborne
Volunteer State Community College offers a study abroad program for students interested in international travel.
Students can participate in study abroad programs in more than 20 countries around the world. Courses in all programs are for college credit. Scholarships to help with program costs are available for those who qualify. Study abroad scholarships will be based on available funds, the number of applicants per program, applicant eligibility and strength of the recommendation and interview according to the Vol State website.
Depending on which program students choose to participate in, travel time will be between one and three weeks.
Vol State organizes study abroad trips in conjunction with TNCIS (Tennessee Consortium for International Studies.
TNCIS represents 19 colleges and universities devoted to making international education and cultural understanding a central goal of higher education throughout the state of Tennessee. TNCIS sponsors an annual conference on international education and continues to expand study abroad and international educational opportunities for students throughout the state, according to the TnCIS website.
Rhonda Gregory, Dean of Academic Support, participated in the study abroad program earlier this year.
“I personally went on my first study abroad in March 2020 to India. This blog post is one that I wrote up. It was an incredible and inspiring experience. Several of our students had never traveled out of the country before, so it was exciting to witness their reactions to the unique cultural differences between our countries. Students studied art and literature for credit, and the excursions we went on were rich with artistic and literary content. It was an immersive, fast-paced week that literally overwhelmed our natural senses. In addition to celebrating Holi and visiting the famous Taj Mahal (which were the group favorites), our group also visited and contributed some gifts to Taabar, a local non-profit organization that provides rehabilitation for troubled youth,” Gregory said.
For students interested in learning more about the study abroad program, the TnCIS website offers course options and the locations they will be available in.
Students seeking to participate are required to attend a study abroad information session via zoom. The next scheduled session will be Sept. 29, and the remaining scheduled sessions can be found on the Vol State website.
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